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Main lighting methods
Friday, 14 February 2025 05:30

LBE-151-CW ('filled')Main lighting methods for enhancing volume of jewellery items in display cabinets. People's attention gets drawn to the best lit things. When both thermal temperature and brightness of the general lighting at a store match the lighting in this store's display units, the customer's eye will have nothing to get focused on. Every aspect here has its own significance, from the general lighting and display-cabinet lighting to the accent lights for the jewellery items themselves. It is well known that in the absence of an appropriate lighting, the items on display will lose most of their visual appeal and, therefore, will be harder to sell.

The lighting methods for enhancing volume of a large jewellery piece arrive into the world of jewellery lighting from the traditional concepts of the three point lighting arrangement. Typically, this method of arranging lights ensures high-quality results.

Last Updated on Friday, 07 February 2014 19:58
Conceptual store
Friday, 14 February 2025 05:30


However, if the discounts are not the crucial factor, than what is? How can the customer be attracted? How can they be persuaded into making a purchase?  What is the best way to ensure that the customer comes back to you again after a single purchase?

Jewellery Show 2013
Friday, 14 February 2025 05:30

02 - 08 мая 2016

ELITE-Ювелир 2016
Ювелирная выставка-продажа (Пятигорск, Ростэк)

Gemstone grading report (certificate)
Friday, 14 February 2025 05:30

What can one learn from the contents of a gemmological certificate? Reading and interpreting the contents of a gemmological certificate for the gemstone?

Accessories on the shelf
Friday, 14 February 2025 05:30

Важность ценника, как носителя информации продавцы оценили лишь в середине 19 века.
